Girls in Pattaya

Exciting Adventure On Walking Street Pattaya

Walking Street has long become the number one destination for nightlife entertainment not only in Thailand but in South East Asia. This internationally known sin city has all kinds of nightlife entertainment you can think of, from nightclubs, discos, go go bars, restaurants, cafes, even ladyboy bars and so much more. This is probably one of the greatest concentrations of nightlife entertainment venues in the world.

By the time you enter this party zone, you will be bombarded with hundreds of colorful neon lights from every single building in the area. The street will be full of people seeking the right place to party, amazingly this doesn’t happen only on weekends, but every single night. You won’t see any vehicle on the street, just a bunch of people seeking for a good party, that’s because the street is actually closed for vehicles after 18:00, which is actually how this street got its name.

As you step into the zone, almost immediately you will find many attractive girls with sexy outfits trying to lure you into their venue. Just don’t get too excited and choose the first venue that has a sexy lady, take your time and observe your options, there is always a place that offers more than others.

There is almost an endless options of nightlife venues on Walking Street. It varies so much and you can always find the right venue whatever type of night entertainment you prefer.

Beer Bars

Also known as “open air bars”, these are probably the most common nightlife venues you can find on Walking Street. From the moment you enter the Walking Street you will find these bars every few hundred meters when you walk.

Usually these bars are taking place in a large open air complex with 20-30 small bars inside. Each of these bars has its own seating area and usually staffed by several sexy ladies in attractive outfits. Some of them even have pool tables and TV sets that usually play sports.

If you’re confused where to spend your night on Walking street a beer bar is usually a great place to start. You can relax and flirt with the girls while deciding where to go. The price for the drinks here is also lower than other venues.




Go Go Bars

Go go bars or also known as agogo bars are probably the main attraction of Walking Street Pattaya. Many people visit this area just to get a taste of the Walking Street’s go go bar experience. This is the place where you can find the largest concentration of go go bars in the country.

These bars are easily spotted because usually they will have attractive girls outside trying to lure people in and they also promote girls in their banners. You can only see the exterior of these bars because the inside part is for visitors only.

These go go bars come in various different themes, but generally they have similar settings, they will have a central stage with some elements for sexy shows, like pole and Jacuzzi. The seating usually arranged around the stage giving the visitors a good view or even interact with the performers.


Live Music

If naughty entertainment is not your cup of tea, then maybe live music venues are more suitable for you. There are many venues in Walking Street Pattaya that provide live music performance in various genres. The bands are generally good, not so special but they know how to entertain the visitors.

These live music venues serve drinks with mid range prices, so they’re not too expensive plus you won’t have to spend extra for lady’s drinks like in other venues. Very suitable if you want an exciting evening without spending too much.


What’s a nightlife area without nightclubs? On Walking Street Pattaya you can find many of them that offer different vibes and atmospheres. Most of these venues are open until sunrise and the parties are usually really get going after midnight. The good thing is these clubs are never empty, they are full every night of the week. However, the drink prices are the most expensive compared to other venues on Walking Street, even though they are still relatively cheaper than most clubs in big cities.



If you’re not looking for a wild night on Walking Street Pattaya, perhaps because you’re traveling with your family, you can just visit one of the restaurants in the area. There are lots of great restaurants here serving all kinds of foods from local Thai cuisines to international foods.

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